

  1. How do I register in

    Go to , click the green Sign up button on the Login window. You will be redirected to the Register page. Fill up the details and submit. You will be registered to the site and immediately receive a notification mail with your username and password. Alternatively, you can also click the Register button on the top right of any page in and get registered following the same steps.

  2. Who can be a member in ? covers the industry starting from bauxite mining to alumina refining and goes to aluminum smelting, finished and semi-finished products and recycling. Anyone directly or indirectly related to the aluminium industry can be benefitted by being a member of it. The portal offers a common platform to raw material suppliers, lead producers, mid-stream and downstream product manufactures, recyclers, competitors and the end product consumers to collaborate and share info, gather data and expand business. The portal also has a lot offer to R&D professionals/ organizations, technical consultants, industry experts etc.

  3. What do I get by registering to ? offers a bunch of information and business related services for people from the aluminium and the allied industries. A registered user can avail a number of exclusive services. By registering to , you can :

    Update your Information

    • Receive free daily newsletter with latest updates on aluminium events, news, blog & price
    • Access Directory Data of 60000 companies

    Grow your business

    • View business leads and post your own requirements
    • Create your Corporate Page and showcase your company profile

    Explore more from Aluminium...

    • Access your personal inbox for regular updates and share crucial news and information of your interest
    • Access our Event Calendar and Participate in Global aluminium events at discounted rates from
    • Share, promote and sell your premium reports and study papers
    • Post your HR requirements and look for HR leads from the global aluminium industry players
  4. What is the value chain of aluminium as implied in AL Circle ? , draws its essence from the concept of a Virtual Aluminium Ecosystem. It covers the whole eco-system and value chain of aluminum. By the value chain we mean the various stages during the extraction of aluminium metal from its ore. It covers the 5 stages of the aluminium industry value chain starting from bauxite mining from the ore to the extraction of alumina from bauxite and goes to aluminum smelting, finished and semi-finished products and recycling or secondary aluminium. It also covers all the individuals and organizations functioning within this value chain and offering their services. All our services are integrated under the following five verticals so that a user can access specific information & business services related to his area of interest :

    Bauxite > Alumina > Primary Aluminium > Downstream Aluminium > Secondary Aluminium

  5. How are the services related to the five verticals ?

    We mainly offer the following services :

    • News
    • Directory
    • Business
    • Price
    • Event
    • Reports

    All these eight services are integrated under each of the five verticals of Bauxite > Alumina > Primary Aluminium > Downstream Aluminium > Secondary Aluminium . Such vertical wise segregation is designed to offer customized services to the industry players belonging to each vertical of the aluminium value chain. For example, a Bauxite industry user can access all the above mentioned services belonging to his industry.

    However, we also have services like Interview , Blog and Corporate Page which are independent of the verticals.

    For a detail understanding of our services, please go to What We Do What We Offer Pages.

  6. How can I promote my company on ?

    There are two ways you can promote your company on ?

    • Banner Ad
    • Corporate Page

    For detail on both the services please visit our Advertise with us and Corporate Page Section. Alternatively, you can contact our marketing team for premium services at

  7. How do I get in touch with AL Circle ?

    You can get in touch with AL Circle for any media, event, data and business related services. For general queries you can send a mail to . For our detail contact list visit Contact Us page

  8. Directory

    How can I get a free listing of my company on ?

    It is easy for any company or corporate to get listed on our Directory. Follow the steps below to complete the process :

  9. How do I list my event on ?

    AL Circle maintains an active Event Circle that gives special coverage to aluminium Industry related events worldwide. We have all the worldwide events organized and displayed on an Event calendar with detailed information. If you are an event organizer or sponsoring an event related to aluminium and the allied industries, you can send a mail to. with your event details. Our team will get back to you with further details and post your event on our event calendar.

  10. How do I promote my event on ?

    As a highly visible aluminium portal now participates as, media and event partner in all the major industry events covering the entire value chain of Bauxite, Alumina, Aluminium, Secondary and Downstream industry segments organized worldwide. Please go to , click the Join AL Circle as Media Partner box in the home page or Media Tie Up link at the bottom menu to know details about our event tie up service. Alternately, you can contact us regarding media and event tie ups at

  11. How do I search an event on the event calendar ?

    Under the Event section, we have all the worldwide events organized and displayed on a monthly Event Calendar with detailed information. Please login to , go to the Event Section of your desired vertical, click on a particular month to see the events taking place in that month in the calendar format. Alternatively, you can use the Search Bar on top of the Event Calendar to search for an event.

  12. How do I get the event details ?

    You need to log in as a registered user to get the event details. Go to the Event Section of your desired vertical, click on any event link appearing on the right side of the Event Calendar, you will be redirected to that particular event page with all the details.

  13. News

  14. What are the sub-verticals in the news section ?

    The news room and the daily newsletter of AL Circle are placed at the heart of its information related features. You can get the latest news from the aluminium industry around the five verticals of bauxite, alumina, primary aluminium, downstream aluminium and recycling or secondary aluminium Based on the nature, purpose and content of the news, the news section for each vertical of the value chain is again segregated under the sub verticals of General, Market, Project and Technology to make our News Room more structured and customized for our users.

  15. How do I search news in the News Section ?

    You need to log in as a registered user to search news in the News Section. Login to , go to the News Section of your desired vertical, type the headline or keywords from the news you are looking for and customize the search options according to your requirement. You will find the selected news or related news stories in order of date.

  16. How do I get my daily Newsletter ?

    You need to be a registered user of AL Circle to receive our daily newsletter. Go to , click the register button on the top right of the page. Fill up the registration fields and Select “I want to subscribe to the AL Circle newsletter”box. If the newsletter is being forwarded to you by a friend, please subscribe by clicking the Subscribe box below For your personal newsletter message on the top right of the newsletter.

  17. How do I share/print/email news I like ?

    Go to the News Section, Click on the news story you like. You will find the Print, Save, E-Mail and Social Media sharing icons (Facebook, LinkedIn & Google+) on the top right of the news. You can click on the respective icons to perform the desired function.

  18. Who has eligibility to publish an interview in the Meet the Expert Section ?

    The Meet the Expert section covers interviews of eminent players from the aluminium industry who share opinion on their company outlook, running projects, aluminium market and a number of issues related to the aluminium industry. We intend to cover spokesperson of Companies & Associations which have contributed towards the growth of aluminium value chain, contribute towards sustainability and towards the use of aluminium as the sustainable material of choice. The service offers an apt platform for promoting the aluminium and the allied industries. Please visit Contact Us page for our Media Contacts.
