Hugo is Head of Product Development & Innovation at the London Metal Exchange. He is responsible for identifying, designing, and launching new products and services at the Exchange, including partnering with industry players to drive innovation across the metals industry. Prior to this, he was Vice President for Sustainability, focused on designing and implementing the LME’s responsible sourcing and broader sustainability goals. Hugo joined the LME in September 2015, having previously worked in Integrated Supply & Trading at BP.
AL Cirlce: Please brief us on LMEpassport and its role as a central registry for sustainability credentials in the metals and mining industry.
Hugo Brodie: Metals are an essential enabler of a sustainable future. As global demand for metals increases, so will the expectations of sustainable standards. At the London Metal Exchange (LME) - the world centre for trading industrial metals - we believe we have a collective responsibility as an industry to drive meaningful change in this space. In 2021, we launched LMEpassport, a centralised, free-to-view digital register that allows producers of the metals traded on the LME to share and highlight a broad range of sustainability credentials and metrics associated with their metals – with the associated evidence so the data can be trusted. There is a wide range of approved ESG disclosures which can be uploaded into the LMEpassport system, making this important information more visible, comparable, and accessible.