Altech Batteries (ATC) has unveiled the new look of its one-megawatt-hour (MWh) “GridPack” product specially crafted for the renewable energy and grid storage sector. Altech has forged a partnership with Fraunhofer to develop the CERENERGY Sodium Alumina Solid State (SAS) 1.0 MWh GridPack in a sea container module.
This technological development occurred almost six months after the organisations joined in circulating Fraunhofer’s CERENERGY SAS battery in retail. Altech assures that the GridPacks can endure any probable weather discrepancies and are suitable for outdoor applications.
The GridPack also has an estimated life expectancy of more than 15 years with uninterrupted use. The product has been designed to endure extreme weather conditions so that it can operate smoothly without causing trouble in the power supply.
Altech is positive that the perceived GridPacks would be an “excellent means” of stabilising the power grid. The battery packs can supply the grid with backup power during crisis periods, like when renewable energy is unavailable, or an augmented demand is present.
Moreover, the company believes that the GridPacks would be a cost-effective alternative for storing and distributing renewable energy for extensive usage, including grid-scale storage, microgrids and electric vehicle charging.
Once the battery packs are commercially viable, Altech is optimistic that its patented technology will outshine the “preferred choice” of various companies in the sector since people are always searching for dependable and long-lasting energy storage solutions.
After the announcement of this product, Altech’s shares grew by 0.59 per cent to 8.50 cents on the board.
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