On Friday, June 30, Alumaze announced the opening of its new manufacturing facility for Aluminium Composite Panels (ACP) in Visakhapatnam. Alumaze Managing Director Pawan Hirawat said the firm was founded with a 50 crore investment to fabricate ACP sheets in Ravada hamlet of Bhogapuram in Vizianagaram district. Construction was finished in a record-breaking eight months, although production has recently begun.
{alcircleadd}He said that the panels have recently become highly popular in constructing structures and putting up signboards. The eco-friendly panels that have replaced wood are also widely employed in interior décor. He predicted that demand for aluminium panels would rise higher in the future.
Mr Pawan said the firm was initially meant to be established in Hyderabad, but the Andhra Pradesh government's pro-industry policies drew them to North Andhra. The single window clearances aided in the completion of the building in eight months, with production beginning on June 25. The factory directly employs over 100 locals and indirectly employs over 300 others.
The current monthly manufacturing capacity of 15 lakh sft will be increased in six months. As per the reports, the raw materials will be imported from China. Vasupalli Janakiram, who formerly dealt with ACP board commerce, remembers the difficulties in importing them from Haryana since there were no ACP board producers in South India.
To know more about how aluminium has transformed the B&C sector, you can also go through the recently launched e-Magazine by AL Circle, 'Aluminium – Revolutionising the Construction Sector.' This e-Magazine highlights metal's potential uses in the building and construction (B&C) industry, as well as how it fosters innovation in that area.
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