Aluminium containers are considered as best packing materials in the food industry, as it provides blockade to protect food against light and air and preserves food quality, however it can also be recycled and designed individually according to consumer’s requirements and can also be produced in different sizes and shapes.
The landlocked East Alpine country in the southern part of Central Europe, Austria imported 862 tonnes of aluminium containers during 2018-20 and the revenue expended for the import accounted for $7.12 million.
Austria imported aluminium containers of 311 tonnes in 2018 and the expenditure occurred for the import was $2.37 million, whereas, in 2019 the import showcased a sharp downfall by 24.75% and the expenditure also fell short to $2.05 million.
In 2020, the nation’s import of aluminium containers was registered at 317 tonnes, an unprecedented growth of 35.47% and expenditure surged to $2.70 million.
Austria’s import of aluminium containers in 2021 is predicted to remain at 282 tonnes, as the analysis revealed a plunge by 11.04% and the expenditure to stand at $2.42 million.
The major trading destinations of Austria’s importation of aluminium containers are Czech Rep., China, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Turkey, etc.
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