The renowned Indian aluminium producer Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (BALCO), a subsidiary of Vedanta Aluminium, has been awarded the "Gold Award" by Arogya World in the category of "Healthy Workplaces Awards - 2022."
{alcircleadd}Arogya World is a global health non-profit organization working to prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs)—diabetes, heart disease, cancer and chronic lung diseases—through health education and lifestyle change.
The honour is proof of BALCO's top-notch staff health and wellbeing procedures, which are firmly ingrained in a culture of care.
BALCO is instrumental in making healthcare accessible through its 75-bed super speciality BALCO Hospital in Balconagar, Korba.
The hospital has a 24X7 emergency service, an Out Patient Department, an In-Patient Department, an Intensive and Coronary Care Unit, Neonatal ICU, Maternity Services (ANC, Normal + LSCS), Immunization Service, Cashless Facility, Major Routine and Emergency Surgeries, Minor Day Care Procedures, Dental Wing, Pathology (Powered by Automatic Analyzers), Radiology Department (Digital X-Ray, HD USG), Cardiac Station, Endoscopy Colposcopy, Laparoscopy, Physiotherapy unit, pre-recruitment medical check-up, periodic health check-up, mobile medical unit for adopted remote villages, and more. Apart from routine services, the hospital also offers services in Orthopedics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, General Surgery, General Medicine, Pediatrics, ENT, and Physiotherapy. The hospital is also Ayushman-approved for ortho/generic surgery and ENT.
The BALCO Hospital treats around 200,000 patients annually, making it a significant regional destination for quality healthcare.
Aside from that, BALCO has launched a number of initiatives and programmes, such as providing doorstep healthcare services in the surrounding area through its Mobile Health Unit (MHU). The MHU, which is run in collaboration with Help Age India, serves and provides primary healthcare services to approximately 45 communities in Balconagar and surrounding rural areas. The project has benefited approximately 15000 residents since its inception. Another such project is the Rural Health Post, which assists approximately 3000 residents each year by providing the best healthcare facilities in their area.
Abhijit Pati, the CEO & Director of Balco, while talking about Balco’s commitment towards transforming healthcare in the region, said, “Balco is committed to ensuring easy access to healthcare services for the communities around our operations. We aim to augment the medical services in the region and improve the quality of life of people residing in remote areas and the vulnerable sections of the community, such as the elderly and children. Towards this end, our Balco Hospital is playing a crucial role in strengthening the health infrastructure in the region.”
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