On March 29, 2023, a train accident occurred in the district of Tinguilinta in the sub-prefecture of Tanéné in Boké. According to our information, a CBG train loaded with Bauxite in the province from Sangaredi struck a machine in which a young employee of a security company was present. It has been revealed that the latter eventually succumbed.
Our informant claims that the switchman, Sadjouma N'Diaye, who is years 30 old, is the victim.
The victim in question was lying in a tamping machine, the needle pointing to the siding. The accident occurred while descending a hill. The train carrying bauxite to Kamsar collided with the tamping machine, severely damaging it.
Tamping machines do the same job as stone blowers, restoring the line and level of the track, but work slightly differently. They insert extensive tools called tines into the ballast – the stones beneath the track – and then force the tines together to move the ballast under the sleepers. The young N'Diaye died on the spot as a result of his injuries and shock.
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