Constellium SE publishes its 2022 Sustainability Report, maintains a 'Platinum' rating from Ecovadis

AL Circle

On Wednesday, March 15, Constellium SE, a global producer of aluminium rolled products, extruded products and structural parts, published its 2022 Sustainability Report noting that it again achieved best-in-class safety performance, delivering 1.85 per million working hours versus a target of 1.5 per million hours in 2025. The company stated that six sites reached milestones of more than 1 million hours worked with a recordable case.

Constellium SE publishes its 2022 Sustainability Report, maintains a Platinum rating from Ecodavis


Constellium boasted that its percentage of women workers increased from 13 to 14 per cent, while the percentage of new female hires rose from 24 to 31 per cent. In 2022, women held 22 per cent of professional and management roles versus 21 per cent in the previous year. The company is confident to reach its target of 25 per cent in 2025.

In the sustainability report, Constellium also mentioned that 41 per cent of its aluminium input came from recycled sources. The company added that with the increased recycling capacity, including a new recycling centre in Neuf-Brisach, France, it hopes to achieve the target of 50 per cent recycled input by 2030.

The report also included that Constellium’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity increased despite improvement in energy efficiency at most of its sites. The increase was primarily due to changes in electricity grid mixes and the rise of the primary metal footprint purchased by European operations due to the metal and energy crises.

However, Constellium’s sustainability effort is recognised by several independent organisations. In 2022, the company maintained a Platinum rating from Ecovadis, an AA rating from MSCI, and an A rating from CDP 2021 Supplier Engagement Leaders for climate change. 

Jean-Marc Germain, CEO of Constellium, said: “I am proud of the ownership and initiative our employees have taken in working to deliver on our sustainability commitments, especially in this challenging environment. We strive every day to keep our footprint as light as possible and to support the circular economy of tomorrow, while prioritizing our employees’ safety and well-being.”

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He added, “Our 2022 safety results remain among the best in any industry, and we are making good progress on our diversity and inclusion target to increase the representation of women in our company. Unfortunately, our greenhouse gas emissions increased as a result of the current geopolitical situation and the related energy and metal crises. Our teams are working hard to get us back on track and I am confident we will reach our 2030 targets.”

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