The Dak Nong Aluminum Company has produced 501,000 tonnes of aluminium from its Nhan Co AluminIum Plant so far this year. The Dak Nong Aluminum Company is a part of the Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries Group (Vinacomin).
The Dak Nong Aluminum Company has earned approximately 185 million USD from aluminium exports in 2017. The company expects to produce 580,000 tonnes of aluminium in 2018.
The plant was constructed with total cost of VND16.8 trillion (739 million USD) with a designed capacity of 650,000 tonnes of aluminium per year. It was operational in November, 2016 at Nhan Co industrial park.
Most of the products are sold to Japan, the Republic of Korea, Hong Kong (China), Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and Switzerland.