Over the past few decades, aluminium has unlocked new dimensions, as endless objects have been developed that simplify and improve the quality of daily human life. Compared to the prior year, 2021 saw an increase of over 100 million units in the usage of aluminium screw caps for liquor bottles.
Data from Euromonitor International, provided by Aluminium Closures Group, indicates that in 2021, the number of screw caps used in Europe crossed seven billion. When examining on-trade consumption in Europe, use increased by 20 per cent. In the off- and on-trade outside of Europe, aluminium closure usage increased by roughly 6 per cent.
“While the numbers are still under 2019 volumes, they indicate a welcome return to growth, particularly in Europe and particularly in on-trade sales. Undoubtedly, the figures for the rest of the world, by far the biggest market, are still weak. But the factors affecting manty of these countries, such as ongoing tourism and travel restrictions as well as more lockdowns, continued to weigh and, even here, on-trade showed healthy positive growth. The current 12 months should see stronger recovery in all areas,” said Anja Holthoff-Schlegel, Aluminium Closures Group representative.
Following the pandemic struggles of 2020, spirits saw a comeback to growth in 2021, which was attributable to the increase in demand for aluminium closures. Data from Aluminium Closures Group's IWSR Drinks Market Analysis shows that after declining by 6 per cent in 2020, the world's consumption of alcoholic spirits increased by 3 per cent in 2021. In 2021, volume consumption in Europe increased by 9 per cent.
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