European aluminium releases its 'Sustainability Roadmap Towards 2025 report'

AL Circle

The results of the mid-term evaluation of the sector's Sustainability Roadmap Towards 2025 were released today by European Aluminium, the voice of the European aluminium value chain. The mid-term assessment created new industry commitments and set the path for the region's common definition of 'sustainable aluminium,' highlighting the importance of continual improvement, innovation, and cross-industry activities.

European aluminium releases its Sustainability Roadmap Towards 2025 report


The European aluminium sector has achieved great progress toward the Roadmap's objectives in the areas of responsible manufacturing, innovative uses, and socio-economic impact since its inception in 2015.

The mid-term assessment of the Roadmap highlighted the next actions and instruments to assist the industry to achieve its sustainability targets and raise its ambitions, taking into account the evolution of sustainability issues during the previous years. Building on previous goals and looking beyond 2025, the sector reaffirmed its commitment to attaining carbon neutrality by 2050 by increasing its climate protection goal:

 “The European aluminium industry is a key enabler of Europe’s green transition and an active contributor to the welfare of our planet and people. We were one of the first industries to launch a joint sustainability roadmap and we are committed to continuing to lead the transition to a responsible and green industry. To that end, climate neutrality has received particular attention in the review of our 2015-established Roadmap,” said Gerd Götz, Director General of European Aluminium.

European Aluminium will focus on building routes for energy decarbonisation, lowering direct emissions, boosting recycling, and creating the conditions for circularity to achieve its goal of climate neutrality by 2050. European Aluminium will collaborate with energy companies, policymakers, and other stakeholders to develop an enabling legislative and financial framework to help turn these ideas into action.

The industry has also worked on a definition of "sustainable aluminium" as part of its mid-term assessment. Sustainable aluminium is defined as aluminium manufactured using strict techniques that adhere to high environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria at every stage of the aluminium value chain, from raw material procurement to end-of-life product management.

“The European aluminium industry has always taken a holistic approach towards sustainability. Sustainability is about far more than reducing emissions and preserving the environment; it’s also about the positive impact we can make on our employees, local communities, the economy, and society. As sustainability leaders, we are committed to sharing best practices and our understanding of sustainable aluminium production. To this end, we look forward to contributing to the Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminium led by the EU and US,” added Götz.

Global Aluminium Foundry

For more than 20 years, European Aluminium has been tracking the industry's economic, social, and environmental performance. The company's progress toward its Sustainability Roadmap goals is monitored regularly using data collected from European aluminium firms and a comprehensive range of Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs). European Aluminium is dedicated to openness and releases public reports and verifiable statistics on its sustainability performance regularly.

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