The European Commission on 14th August’20 commences an investigation for allegedly dumped imports of certain aluminium flat rolled products from China in the 27-country European Union based on a complaint by a European group of producers.
The EU moves is accompanied by another anti-dumping investigation which was rolled out in February’20 into Chinese aluminium extrusions.
European Aluminium represents more than 25% of the total EU production of aluminium flat-rolled products, took its outrage to the association’s executive in June’20, saying: “Imports of the product have increased overall in absolute terms and terms of market share.”
The Commission stated there was adequate evidence which showed that “due to significant distortions affecting prices and costs, the use of domestic prices and costs in the country concerned is inappropriate”.
The EU executive said: “The investigation will determine whether the product under investigation originating in the country concerned is being dumped and whether the dumped imports have caused injury to the Union industry.”
The probe will cover the period 1st July 2019 to 30th June 2020 while the assessment of dent will cover trends starting from 1st January 2017.
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