Residents of Lanjigarh, along with members of various associations and organisations of Kalahandi and Rayagada districts, rallied with an urge to the Chief Minister of Odisha, Shri Mohan Charan Majhi, to promptly convene a Gram Sabha for Lanjigarh’s permanent bauxite mines to advance the development of Kalahandi.
Image Source: Vedanta
{alcircleadd}Their appeal, submitted through the Collector and Block Development Officer (BDO), highlighted the pressing need to commence bauxite mining operations at the Vadanta’s Lanjigarh mines, which could propel sustainable economic growth in the district.
The villagers voiced that Kalahandi has experienced exemplary progress since the establishment of the Lanjigarh alumina refinery in 2003. Once considered one of India’s poorest regions, Kalahandi is now part of the Government of India’s ‘Aspirational District’ programme, with the refinery acting as a catalyst for development.
However, the residents highlighted that the lack of local bauxite mining from the Lanjigarh mines has hindered the district’s growth. They pointed out that neighbouring districts such as Rayagada and Koraput have tapped into their bauxite reserves, reaping economic benefits. At the same time, Kalahandi has struggled to realise its full potential despite more than two decades since the establishment of the local industry.
Voicing their concerns, the residents of Kalahandi univocally demanded, “The Government must immediately conduct a Gram Sabha for the Lanjigarh Bauxite Mines and commence mining operations to ensure the development of Kalahandi!”
The villagers also recalled the challenges faced during the establishment of the alumina refinery in Lanjigarh, when external activists and foreign interests attempted to obstruct industrialisation and regional development. Despite these efforts, the people successfully brought the project to fruition with the support of district and state authorities, ensuring prosperity and socio-economic advancement for the local population.
In the same spirit, the residents emphasised the urgent need to conduct a Gram Sabha and initiate bauxite mining at the Lanjigarh mines. They stressed that this would create local employment opportunities and establish a socio-economic ecosystem conducive to the overall development of the region.
This appeal reflects the collective vision of the people of Kalahandi for a brighter and more prosperous future, calling for immediate action to unlock the district’s latent potential.
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