Jamaica Bauxite Institute plays a crucial in bauxite residue management: Minister

AL Circle

The Jamaican Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Mining, Hon. Frank Witter, has emphasised the critical role of the Jamaica Bauxite Institute (JBI) in the research and governance of bauxite residue management.

Jamaica Bauxite Institute plays a crucial in bauxite residue management: Minister


At the opening ceremony of the JBI International Workshop on Bauxite Residue and Red Mud Disposal Legacy Issues, held at the ROK Hotel in downtown Kingston on July 15, Witter commended the institute's significant contributions to tackling the environmental challenges associated with bauxite mining.

The Minister said, "Through regular reviews of the industry's environmental performance, JBI ensures necessary corrective actions are implemented. Furthermore, the Institute promotes research and development to identify new technologies for cleaner, more efficient production processes and waste minimisation."

He mentioned that the bauxite residue closure plan currently being implemented at Mount Rosser in St. Catherine is part of Alcan's exit agreement from 2002. The state minister added that this plan has since been integrated into Rio Tinto's initiatives to address the environmental impact related to land ownership.

"At the time, there were no fully developed closure plan guidelines by the regulators, the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA). [There is] an industry-specific framework for red mud ponds, and the JBI oversees the closure of these sites, ensuring adherence to this framework," the Minister stated.

"The success of the closure plan at the Kirkvine Ponds completed in 2013 is a testament to the effectiveness of these initiatives. The red mud has been entirely covered with vegetation, and the return of soil and fauna, including snails, lizards and birds, signifies the restoration of the ecosystem."

Aluminium, a favoured metal across numerous manufacturing sectors, presents unique challenges during production. One such challenge is the industrial waste generated during bauxite processing into alumina through the Bayer process - red mud or bauxite residue. This waste is currently a matter of concern and interest in the aluminium industry, requiring an understanding to ensure its impact is minimised.

It is a matter of concern because of its hazardous properties, such as heavy toxic metal elements and high alkalinity, which damage soil and life forms when disposed of. At the same time, it is a matter of interest because of its innovative utilisation in the cement, steel, ceramics, and agricultural sectors.

Addressing all the intriguing areas of red mud, AL Circle has meticulously compiled a comprehensive, industry-focused report: “A comprehensive analysis of Bauxite Residue - Red Mud.” This report provides the necessary information to understand and manage red mud effectively.

Witter highlighted that in 2001, the Government designated the JBI to negotiate closure agreements with Alcan, resulting in the first such agreement in Jamaica. Witter encouraged all three-day workshop participants to persist in their efforts towards innovative solutions and foster strong collaboration within the sector, emphasising the positive impact on communities.

“Alcan, now a part of Rio Tinto, retains responsibility for out-of-use bauxite residue sites at two locations with the goal of safe remediation and returning ownership to the Government of Jamaica. The success of Kirkvine Ponds suggests that these agreements provide excellent templates for future closure of bauxite residue storage sites by other operators of bauxite and alumina companies in Jamaica,” he said.

“Together, we can ensure a sustainable future for Jamaica and the global bauxite industry."

He emphasised the forum's pivotal role in uniting industry stakeholders and global leaders, providing a vital platform for dialogue, and promoting international best practices for closing bauxite residue sites.

"The JBI has consistently demonstrated positive engagement with local stakeholders, multinational companies and international research partners. This collaborative approach is crucial as we strive to manage bauxite residue more effectively," the Minister said.


Note: Information and image source - Jamaica Information Service (JIS)

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