The opposition party of the Caribbean island nation, Jamaica’s People National Party said that they are dismayed with the decision of the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) to accord a permit for the bauxite mining of lands that are part of the Cockpit Country in St Ann via Special Mining Lease (SML) 173.
On 3rd January 2022, the decision was publicized and Noranda Bauxite was granted permission to exploit 1,324 hectares of the lands in the protected area of St Ann.
However, it was notified that the land allocation is much smaller than the 8,335 hectares for which Noranda had applied for exploitation.
Sophia Frazer-Binns, the Spokesperson on Land, Environment and Climate Change, said, “Although the permit is for a smaller parcel of land than requested, we believe the decision of the environmental regulator is counter to its mandate to protect and preserve Jamaica's environment, including the sensitive and important Cockpit Country.”
“The role that the Cockpit Country plays in Jamaica's survival and our way of life must not be taken lightly,” Frazer-Binns added.
She counts that the Cockpit Country must be prohibited from mining. Frazer-Binns is calling for immediate legislative protection of the Cockpit Country Protected Area as well as the establishment of buffer zones.
She is also urging the Jamaican Government to establish a multi-sectoral/multi-disciplinary committee to commence in earnest, the exploration of alternatives to bauxite mining.
“The evidence is clear that both time and mining lands are running out,” she added.
Frazer-Binns is appealing to Andrew Holness, the Prime Minister, “Not to override the decision of the NRCA, if Noranda appeals the entity's decision.”
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