Kingsland Drinks has announced the introduction of four gin and vodka-based ready-to-drink (RTD) cocktails in the UK. The new collections called Mix Up are available in four flavours- a gin and tonic, a gin and diet tonic, a strawberry infused ‘pink’ gin and tonic and a vodka, lemonade and lime.
{alcircleadd}These ranges are available in 250ml can in Co-op, Nisa and Costcutter stores for an RRP of £1 per can.
Nathan McGivern, marketing manager for Mix Up, Kingsland Drinks said, “With consumers increasingly shopping to stock up their cupboards we have seen the pre-mix cocktail category grow due to the demand for multi-buys.”
“Much like shopping for beer; pre-mix consumers are looking for the convenience of having their go-to spirit combination in the fridge for when they fancy one. Mix Up has been developed to tap into informal drinking occasions where convenient, lower calorie options are in strong demand.
“We know consumers are looking for value. This range is an attractive entry-level, branded option that looks and tastes premium, aimed at winning shoppers who are looking to have fun with their favourite drinks at an affordable price point.”
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