On Tuesday, June 20, both LME aluminium cash bid price and LME aluminium official settlement price dropped by US$10.5 per tonne or 0.47 per cent to halt at US$2,184 per tonne and US$2,184.50 per tonne.
3-month bid price and 3-month offer price slumped by US$17 per tonne or 0.75 per cent and US$16 per tonne or 0.71 per cent to reside at US$2,2227 per tonne and US$2,229 per tonne.
December 24 bid price and December 24 offer price slipped by US$14 per tonne or 0.58 per cent to peg at US$2,378 per tonne and US$2,383 per tonne.
LME aluminium opening stock came in at 555675 tonnes. Live warrants and Cancelled warrants were halted at 305275 tonnes and 250400 tonnes.
LME aluminium 3-month Asian Reference Price dwindled by US$15.96 per tonne or 0.70 per cent to clock at US$2,244.83 per tonne.
SHFE aluminium price
On Wednesday, June 21, the SHFE aluminium price has gained US$6 per tonne to close at US$2,577 per tonne.
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