Low-carbon Transition: Suntory Spirits redefines Premium Malt packaging with green aluminium

AL Circle

Suntory Spirits, a harmonious note within the beverage giant Suntory Group, has orchestrated a delightful melody with its latest innovation. The spotlight shines on their limited-edition creation, The Premium Malt cans, gracing the shelves of Japanese stores this month. What makes this composition noteworthy is the utilisation of green aluminium—a beacon of sustainability in the realm of aluminium beverage cans.

Low-carbon Transition: Suntory Spirits redefines Premium Malt packaging with green aluminium


Crafted through a collaboration that reads like a cast of industry virtuosos—Sumitomo Corporation, Sumisho Metalex Corporation, Kobe Steel, and Daiwa Can Company—the green aluminium material emerges through the transformative alchemy of the "mass balance method." This process isn't just a note; it's a crescendo, reducing carbon emissions by a resounding 25% when compared to conventional aluminium cans.

Masaaki Fujiwara, the maestro behind Suntory's sustainability, extols the collaborative symphony of the five companies for orchestrating a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions along the aluminium can supply chain. Fujiwara's commitment resonates in his words, "We will continue to work with all value chain members to promote various initiatives to reduce GHG emissions."

How does 100% recyclable aluminium align with Suntory’s green vision?

Suntory's Environmental Vision paints a canvas where the strokes aim for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across the entire value chain by the grand year 2050. The interim masterpiece envisions a 50% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030—a testament to Suntory's dedication to a greener future.

What makes aluminium cans a perfect choice in the sustainability narrative is their pivotal role in inducing a circular economy. The "mass balance method" not only lessens carbon footprints but also echoes the importance of recycling. Aluminium, with its infinite recyclability, ensures that every can is a note in the symphony of resource efficiency.

Suntory’s sustainable outlook

Suntory's commitment extends beyond the aluminium orchestration. The "Suntory Group Plastic Policy," unveiled in 2019 for PET bottles, showcases a harmonious commitment to a recycling-oriented and decarbonised society. The beverage virtuoso promises to reduce GHG emissions throughout its entire value chain by introducing environmentally friendly packaging materials and embracing energy-efficient technologies.

Suntory Spirits' strategic use of green aluminium and commitment to sustainability not only aligns with the industry's evolving landscape but also sets a harmonious example for other players. Their decision to introduce 100% recyclable aluminium in The Premium Malt cans is a poetic ode to responsible consumption, turning each sip into a note that resonates with the future of our planet. As the world applauds such initiatives, it becomes imperative for more companies to join this symphony for a greener tomorrow.

If you wish to learn more about the aluminium downstream sector, please have a look at AL Circle's specialised report on the same, Aluminium Foils and its End uses

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