Ska Fabricating will be showcasing their FullmHeight Automatic (FHA) 5000 Depalletizer with Industrial S-Grip lowerator at Pack Expo West, to be held in Las Vegas in September 2023. The FHA 500 is engineered to unload various container types, including aluminium cans, glass jars/bottles, plastic containers, and fibreboard tubes.
Ska Fabricating's extensive line of depalletisers and palletisers may be customised to facilitate automation in different sectors. The FHA 5000 will be shown with a discharge conveyor and the Industrial S-Style Side-Grip Lowerator, which provides clients with toolless adjustment during product changeovers and a tiny footprint, conserving important floor space.
The Full Height Automatic (FHA) 5000 Depalletizer is intended to offer customisable configurations via numerous discharge, decline, and pallet loading conveyor choices, enabling it to be adjusted to customer-specific needs. Ska Fab provides automation solutions for packaging lines of all sizes and speeds thanks to its extensive container handling capabilities, including aluminium containers like cans and plastic containers.
Ska Fabricating specialises in automated packaging solutions ranging from palletisers and depalletisers to complete turn-key systems for our clients. Their main aim is to give the finest value and technology in packing line automation to companies all around the globe.
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