SMS group has announced the delivery of new cold rolling mill for aluminium strips to BaoWu Aluminium Technology Limited. The mill can process aluminium strips with a maximum width of 2,350 millimeters.
The facility is planned for an annual capacity of about 120,000 tons. The smallest final thickness of the finished strips is 0.15 millimeters.
{alcircleadd}The cold rolling mill produced the first coil at the company's site in Henan, China. The Chinese aluminium supplier BaoWu Aluminium Technology can roll a wide range of aluminium grades and alloys on the plant.
SMS delivered the complete mechanical, hydraulic and fluid power equipment including a Multi Plate® filter of size MPF3-16.
“The quality-determining rolling technologies include CVC®plus in combination with positive and negative work and intermediate roll bending as well as inductive roll barrel heating. They enable a consistently high strip quality across the entire strip width for maximum yield,” SMS said.
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