The FNSS Kunduz Combat Earthmover comes with Aluminium armoured Hull

AL Circle

Kunduz is an armoured combat earthmover, supplied by FNSS Savunma Sistemleri (FNSS), a Turkey-based manufacturer of armoured vehicles and weapon systems.

Kunduz the armoured earth mover


The earthmover is designed to excavate and move earth, clear obstacles, cut steep slopes, and fortify the banks of water streams.

FNSS secured the contract to deliver an undisclosed number of Kunduz armoured combat earthmovers to the Philippine Army in February 2020. The supply will be completed in 2021.

In March 2009, Turkey's Ministry of National Defence delivered a contract with FNSS to develop amphibious earthmover. The Turkish army received the first vehicle in January 2013.

The armoured hull of the Kunduz is made of aluminium to ensure amphibious capability while meeting ballistic protection requirements. The manoeuvrability and performance of the platform are enhanced by its hydraulic and power systems, which have advanced equipment and tools.

The armoured combat earthmover features a dozer blade at forwarding hull, a ballast chamber in the centre and a power pack at the rear. The left side of the rear hull houses seating for two crew members, an operator and an attendant. The crew can enter or exit the vehicle through roof-mounted hatch covers.

The vehicle can store its ballast canister within the soil during its operation and discharge it at the end. The hydraulic suspension system allows the operator to lift the forward section of the vehicle down or up to enable its blade or ballast canister to contact the ground. It is also capable of changing its configuration when mobile.

The combat earthmover has a length of 6.2m, a width of 3.3m and a height of 3.2m. The combat weight of the vehicle is 19.5t.

Kunduz Combat armoured earth movers

Kunduz is equipped with a daylight camera, night vision system, a multi-purpose LED display and an air conditioning system. The vehicle also integrates a rescue winch with a capacity to pull 15,000kg.

The armoured vehicle can withstand small arms fire, armour-piercing rounds and shell splinters. It also offers resistance against impact from mine explosions.

The vehicle is powered by a Cat diesel engine coupled with an Allison fully automatic transmission system. The armoured combat earthmover can travel at a maximum speed of 45km/h on land and can reach an area of operations at the same time as other military vehicles, without the need for transportation. The maximum road range of the vehicle is 400km.

Global Aluminium Industry Outlook 2020

The vehicle is propelled in the water by two pump jets that enable 360° manoeuvrability in rip currents. It can swim in river streams at a maximum speed of 8.6km/h.

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