The electricity and natural gas price surge has led the sole Romanian alumina producer to temporarily suspend operations. According to a report on Thursday, June 30, Alum Tulcea, an alumina refinery controlled indirectly by Vimetco through the aluminium producer Alro Slatina will halt production from August 1, 2022. The refinery has claimed that import will be cheaper at the present scenario than producing the aluminium ore.
The leader of trade union from Alum Tulcea has reported that out of over 700 employees, 259 will retain the job.
As per the report, Alro and Alum will bring imported alumina through the port of Constanta.
"Under the new conditions of activity at Alum, the organizational chart of the company was revised, taking into account the maintenance of a core of specialists from all departments of the plant, needed to prepare the resumption of the production activity once the situation returns to normal," the company's documents read.
Alum Tulcea is the only calcined alumina producer in Romania, with a production capacity of 600,000 tonnes per year. Alumina produced at Alum is destined for Alro Slatina, besides a small portion being exported.
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