On May 16, 2024, the Aluminum Container Manufacturers Association, an American applicant, applied with the US Department of Commerce and the US International Trade Commission. The application was filed to initiate an anti-dumping and countervailing investigation into disposable aluminium tableware imported from China.
The Aluminum Container Manufacturers Association, a collective of several US manufacturers, including Durable Packaging International, D&W Fine Pack, LLC, Handi-foil Corp., Penny Plate, LLC, Reynolds Consumer Products, LLC, Shah Foil Products, Inc., Smart USA, Inc., and Trinidad/Benham Corp., is the driving force behind this investigation, advocating for fair trade practices in the industry.
The products under investigation
The products under investigation in this case are a wide range of disposable aluminium containers, pans, and trays primarily made of aluminium sheet, tape, or foil. This investigation covers these products in all their variations, regardless of their shape or size, whether they are wrinkled or wrinkle-free, as well as aluminium lids made of aluminium or other materials such as paper or plastic, ensuring a thorough examination of the market.
These products are commonly used for various food-related applications, including but not limited to food preparation, packaging, baking, grilling, reheating, takeout, or storage. However, they may also serve other purposes. Any products that meet the defined scope of this investigation are subject to review, irrespective of their intended use.
The term "single-use" refers to aluminium products intended to be used once or a limited number of times before being recycled or disposed of. The investigation includes these products irrespective of whether their surface is embossed, printed, coated (including with non-adhesive substances), or decorated, regardless of the edge pattern.
The products under investigation remain within the scope even if sold with a non-aluminium lid or dome. The aluminium sheet strips used to produce these items are typically manufactured according to ASTM specifications ASTM B479 or ASTM B209-14 but may also adhere to other specifications. Regardless of the specific standards, all disposable aluminium tableware that fits the described criteria is included in the scope of the investigation.
The investigation period for the anti-dumping investigation against China is expected to be from October 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024. The anti-subsidy investigation is anticipated to last throughout 2023. The margin of dumping alleged by the applicant ranges from 118 per cent to 265.3 per cent.