China’s A00 aluminium ingot price faces RMB430/t massive plunge; Alumina spot price sheds RMB1/t


The current aluminium price in China has halted at RMB 17,890 per tonne, with a steep fall of RMB 430 per tonne, as the Shanghai Metals Market reported on May 12, Friday. The average aluminium price trends are between RMB 17,870 per tonne and RMB 17,910 per tonne. The discount prices have ventured around RMB 60 per tonne or RMB 20 per tonne.

China’s A00 aluminium ingot price faces RMB430/t massive plunge; Alumina spot price sheds RMB1/t


The eight provinces in China have witnessed plummeting A00 aluminium ingot prices today. The aluminium spot price fell the highest in Tianjin by RMB 430 per tonne, officially closing at RMB 17,940 per tonne. The price index in Gongyi and Wuxi have marked a plunge of RMB 420 per tonne, resting at RMB 17,800 per tonne and RMB 17,880 per tonne. In Chongqing, the aluminium price stood at RMB 17,980 per tonne, with RMB 410 per tonne downfall, followed by RMB 400 per tonne slump in Hangzhou, where the aluminium spot price stood at RMB 17,940 per tonne. In Foshan and Linyi, the aluminium price dived by RMB 390 per tonne to rest at RMB 17,960 per tonne and RMB 17,990 per tonne, while in Shenyang, it shed RMB 370 per tonne, closing at RMB 17,990 per tonne.

Low-carbon aluminium prices have hurdled down the graph by RMB 390 per tonne, officially closing at RMB 18,542 per tonne.

The high-purity aluminium (99.99%) price and high-purity aluminium (99.996%) price have both decreased by RMB 400 per tonne to stop at RMB 25,600 per tonne and RMB 26,600 per tonne, respectively.

The average alumina spot price has shed RMB 1 per tonne to rest at RMB 2,888 per tonne, while the alumina price in Shanxi has lost RMB 5 per tonne, halting at RMB 2,885 per tonne.

The price of aluminium alloy (A356) has slumped by RMB 400 per tonne, closing at RMB 18,700 per tonne, while the price of aluminium alloy (A380) and price of aluminium alloy (ADC12) have dropped by RMB 200 per tonne, resting at RMB 19,500 per tonne and RMB 18,500 per tonne.

Outlook 2023

The aluminium powder price in China has dived down by RMB 0.1 per kg, closing at RMB 19.80 per kg, with average prices varying between RMB 19.70 per tonne and RMB 19.90 per tonne.

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