Fujifilm's statement on the Department of Commerce's calculation of proposed duties on aluminium lithographic printing plates

Press Release

FUJIFILM North America Corporation, Graphic Communication Division, on September 23, 2024 released the following statement from Hidetoshi (Toshi) Kino, general manager, Graphic Communication Division, FUJIFILM North America Corporation, regarding the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) final calculation on the size of the antidumping (AD) and countervailing duties (CVD) on imports of aluminium lithographic printing plates from Japan and China:



"Fujifilm vigorously opposes the imposition of additional tariffs on imports of aluminium lithographic printing plates, which are already increasing costs for the entire printing plate market, as well as for every American industry, business, and consumer that relies on products and materials that printing plates produce."

"During the International Trade Commission (ITC) proceeding on September 17, a large cross-section of our customers and industry representatives voiced their respective concerns and objections to the proposed additional antidumping and countervailing duties. Eastman Kodak Company (Kodak), the petitioner of this case, is the only entity that benefits from these duties at the expense of the entire printing plate market and the American businesses that rely on printing plates."

"It is important to note that today's announcement does not affect whether the ITC will ultimately decide to implement the duties. The ITC will vote and render its decision on October 22 and will issue a written rationale for its decision on November 4."

"Fujifilm is a long-standing and responsible market provider of aluminium lithographic printing plates. Our success in the U.S. printing plates market has been the result of our commitment to innovation and our customers, who clearly purchase our aluminium lithographic printing plates because of its innovative technology and superior features and benefits."

"We will continue to fight against the imposition of the duties on behalf of our customers, as well as on behalf of the U.S. newspaper, printing, and publishing industries, and every business that directly or indirectly relies on aluminium printing plates. It is our mission to protect print and the print industry at large."

In the fall of 2023, Kodak filed a petition with the DOC and the ITC seeking the imposition of duties on aluminium lithographic printing plates imported from Japan and China. Today, September 23, the DOC issued its final calculation on the size of the proposed AD and CVD duties: 91.83 per cent on aluminium lithographic printing plates imported from Japan and a combined AD and CVD rate of 151.51 per cent on aluminium lithographic printing plates imported from China. On October 22, the ITC will vote and render its decision on the printing plate case. If, after its investigation, the ITC determines that there was no material injury to Kodak caused by aluminium lithographic printing plate imports from Japan and China, the duties that were imposed will terminate automatically.

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