Residents of Lanjigarh in Kalahandi district have urged Odisha Chief Minister Shri Mohan Charan Majhi to immediately conduct a Gram Sabha for Lanjigarh Bauxite mines for the development of Kalahandi district of Orissa. Their appeal, submitted through the Collector and BDO, highlights the urgent need to start bauxite mining operations of the Lanjigarh Bauxite mines and drive sustainable economic growth in the Kalahandi district.
Kalahandi district has witnessed remarkable progress since the establishment of the Lanjigarh alumina refinery in 2003, they said. Once labelled as one of India’s poorest regions, Kalahandi is now part of the Government of India’s ‘Aspirational District’ initiative, driven by development from the refinery.
The villagers pointed out that the growth and development of Kalahandi have been affected because of no mining of locally available bauxite from the Lanjigarh mines. It was highlighted that the neighbouring districts of Rayagada and Koraput have utilised their potential by mining the available Bauxite reserves, whereas Kalahandi is still struggling to fulfil its potential even after more than 20 years have passed since the establishment of the local industry.
Expressing their concerns, residents of Kalahandi have demanded, “Government to immediately conduct Gram Sabha for the Lanjigarh Bauxite Mines and start mining for the Development of Kalahandi!”
They highlighted that during the time when the industry was being established in Lanjigarh, Kalahandi, many external activists and foreign forces tried to stop the industrialisation and the development of the region, but the people, with the support of District and State administration, fought and successfully executed the project for the interests of the local people's prosperity and overall socio and economic development of Kalahandi region.
Similarly, the residents emphasised the urgent need to conduct Gram Sabha and start Bauxite mining in Lanjigarh Bauxite mines, which will hugely benefit Kalahandi by creating local jobs and providing a socio-economic ecosystem for the development of the region.
This appeal represents the people’s collective vision for a prosperous Kalahandi and calls for immediate action to unlock the region’s full potential.
Note: Gram Sabha is the general assembly of all the people of a village who have attained the age of 18 years, and their name is entered in the voter list.
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