Fifteen light metals-related symposia. Four invited keynotes by industry leaders. Three supplier technology sessions. Short courses led by expert instructors. One highly respected proceedings volume. These light metals programming highlights make the TMS 2025 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2025) a key gathering place for the world’s leading aluminium and magnesium industries and researchers. TMS2025—organized by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)—will be held March 23–27, 2025, at the MGM Grand Las Vegas Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Light Metals Programming
In total, TMS2025 will feature more than 100 symposia in ten technical tracks spanning the full range of materials science and engineering. The Light Metals topic track is made up of the following technical symposia:
NEW FOR 2025: 5th Bauxite Residue and Valorization Best Practices Conference
This year, TMS welcomes the 5th Bauxite Residue Valorization and Best Practices Conference (BR2025) to complement the core technical programming at TMS2025. This co-located event is open to all TMS2025 registrants and gives the floor to the most creative, innovative, thought-provoking ideas regarding bauxite residue valorization. It continues a conference series that started in 2015 in Leuven, Belgium, and was last held virtually in 2022.
Light Metals 2025 Keynote Session
Light Metals programming will kick off at TMS2025 with a keynote session on Monday, March 24. The theme for this year’s session is Growing Pains: Advancing Aluminium Recycling, Decarbonization, and Circular Innovations, organized by Samuel Wagstaff of Oculatus Consulting. It will include the following talks by invited presenters:
New for 2025: Supplier Technology Forum Sessions
The Supplier Technology Forum series is designed to complement the TMS2025 technical program and the exchanges taking place in the TMS2025 Exhibit Hall with more commercially focused presentations. This year, three sessions are planned in technologies related to light metals:
All sessions will begin Tuesday morning, March 25, at 8:00 a.m. and end around lunch time. Participants are invited to visit the exhibit hall following the sessions.
Light Metals Division Luncheon
At the Light Metals Division Luncheon lecture on Wednesday, March 26, invited speaker Catrina Rorke of the Climate Leadership Council and Center for Climate and Trade, will discuss "Emerging Pressures on Emissions Accounting: Consumer Preferences, Emergent Regulations, and Novel Trade Measures." The talk is free for all registrants to attend, but you can purchase a ticket to receive lunch at this event.
New for 2025: Professional Development Opportunities
A selection of professional development events will be held on Sunday, March 24, prior to the start of technical programming, including the following courses sponsored by the TMS Aluminium Committee and TMS Light Elements Committee:
All TMS2025 registrants can choose one workshop or course to attend as part of their registration fee. A complete list of offerings is available at
About TMS2025
More than 4,500 materials scientists and engineers from around the world are expected to gather at TMS2025 in Las Vegas for five days of technical sessions, networking events, exhibits, short courses, and workshops. This 154th installment of the conference offers attendees the chance to connect and collaborate with scientists and engineers working in industry, academia, and government positions around the world.
How to Register
Your TMS2025 registration fee will include access to all technical sessions, selected networking events, a three-day exhibit pass, one short course or workshop on Sunday, and electronic access to 12 proceedings volumes, including the highly respected Light Metals 2025 and Magnesium Technology 2025 proceedings. Visit to register for the conference and to book a hotel room at the conference venue, the MGM Grand Las Vegas Hotel & Casino.
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