Industry 4.0 in Aluminium

Industry 4.0 in Aluminium from AlCircle is featuring all solutions and technologies that helps in improving productivity, efficiency, safety, resource utilization, increasing machines uptime and digitalization of primary aluminium production.

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What does the AlCircle’s report on "Industry 4.0 in Aluminium" offer to you?

Building on the success of the E-Magazine “Aluminium Industry 4.0: Drivers & Change Makers” last year, AlCircle this time has come up with a report on the same topic on readers’ demand, but with more insightful information.

Since the Industry 4.0 is one of the most talked about topics in the technology and industrial sector including the aluminium value chain industry and as many seasoned plant operators are still not completely aware of the full potential of such technologies, perceives the importance of discussing the topic yet again and thus, the report being launched titled “Industry 4.0 in Aluminium.”

Being an exclusive aluminium industry portal, AlCircle is committed to explore and provide information on any technological innovations that are helping the industry become more efficient and sustainable. So, this report is an attempt to highlight how the implementation of Industry 4.0 and ‘smart manufacturing’ is revolutionising the aluminium manufacturing and processing. Industry 4.0 is used interchangeably with the fourth industrial revolution and represents a new stage in the organization and control of the industrial value chain. It represents the current systems and technologies for automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data exchange used in the manufacturing and industrial sector.

On one hand, some companies are facilitating this transformation by providing solutions in the form of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, IoT, Analytics, etc. On the other hand, few are adapting these technologies and transforming themselves into Smart Companies & factories. AlCircle in this report is featuring all those solutions and technologies, hoping that you all get a clear idea of Robotics, the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, and Big Data Analytics and how they are driving the revolution of the entire aluminium value chain.

In a nutshell, the following points are covered by our “Industry 4.0 in Aluminium” report: Industry 4.0

  • Evolution of Industry 4.0
  • What is Industry 4.0

Technologies of Industry 4.0

  • Internet of Things
  • Robotics
  • Cloud computing
  • Big data Analytics
  • Augmented reality & Virtual reality
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Mobility (AGV, Autonomous cranes)

Aluminium value chain

Aluminium value chain and Industry 4.0

  • Bauxite mining and Industry 4.0
  • Alumina refining and Industry 4.0
  • Aluminium smelters and Industry 4.0
  • Aluminium downstream and Industry 4.0
    • Rolling Mills
    • Extrusions
    • Castings
  • Aluminium recycling and Industry 4.0

Challenges and risks in implementing Industry 4.0


Select list of vendors of Industry 4.0 solutions

  • Industry revolution vs. Complexity
  • Industry 4.0 Transformation
  • Aluminium Value Chain
  • Bauxite mining – Process Flow
  • Alumina refining – Process flow
  • Rio Tinto’s vision of its aluminium operations in the future
  • Opportunities envisioned by Hydro through Automation
  • Flat-rolled aluminium – Process flow
  • Scrap collection and process flow

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Industry 4.0 in Aluminium
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