Sustainability lies at the heart of the Brazilian aluminium sector, serving as a motivator for decision-making and project implementation. From mining to recycling, ABAL promotes enterprises along the value chain. Companies in the Brazilian aluminium value chain have now obtained ASI certification at every level of the process, including bauxite mining, alumina production, and primary aluminium manufacturing. Companies in the primary metal processing and recycling sectors have also been certified.
The primary goal of ABAL's membership in ASI was to encourage its affiliates to get ASI certification, which is well-known in the aluminium consumer market. ASI is more than just a certification; it supports and promotes the most sustainable practices. It's becoming even more important since it acknowledges and honours responsible management efforts.
“In Brazil, several industries operate globally and need to be aligned with the best international practices. Therefore, we recognize that the ASI certification is a fundamental reference for the aluminum chain, from end to end, attending to the highest standards of performance at all stages of production. We are very proud to have representatives from each and every part of the value chain certified” said Janaina Donas, executive president of ABAL.
The Brazilian aluminium sector aspires to be competitive, inventive, resilient, and sustainable, producing certified aluminium products with low carbon footprints to fulfil market demand and contribute to solutions that promote a sustainable, circular, and carbon-neutral future.
“However, we still have a way to go and our role, as an association that represents an essential sector for society, is to continuously encourage Brazilian companies to prioritise sustainability in their operations and seek ASI certification” said Janaina Donas, executive president of ABAL.
The Association develops its activities and meets its major challenges through Technical Committees and Market Committees. These committees include competitiveness, disseminating aluminium applications and incentives to new applications, consolidating the industry's economic interests and representing them before government agencies, and safeguarding the industry's institutional image and the product "aluminium."
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