Primary Aluminium - Analysis And Reports

Carbothermic Processes to Replace the Hall---Heroult Process

Posted On
Jan 2, 2015
Domain Name
Primary Aluminium

“Carbothermic Processes to Replace the Hall---Heroult Process” Presented by Yaghoub Sayad ---Yaghoubi, CTO at Calsmelt Pty Ltd. The author of the paper can be reached at

Summary:  For aluminium production, the conventional carbothermic reduction of alumina has inherent problems such as generation of aluminous fumes, floatation of the produced aluminium on the top of the slag, a high content of carbon in the product and excessive consumption of the graphite electrode and the refractory furnace walls.

These problems are all rooted in the behavior of the feed material during heating and of the alumina-­-rich molten slag intermediate that the process is based on.

Other proposals to replace the Hall-­-Haroult process include the carbothermic reduction of alumina or bauxite under vacuum or inert gas conditions.

This Paper on Primary smelting was presented at the IBAAS---Chalieco conference, November 27–29, 2014 Visakpahatnam, india. 

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