Bravo Sierra produces world-class body care products specially crafted for military families and veterans. Recently, they've released body washes in 16-ounce aluminium wash bottles with assorted pumps, suitable for reuse. Once the seal is broken, the user can insert the pump and use the recyclable aluminium can for eternity.
These Bravo Sierra body washes are mainly available in two different flavours; one is Citrus and Cedarwood, and the other is White Vetiver and Cedarwood. The names indicate that each fragrance will have an earthy undertone, which men very much prefer.
The entire scheme might look excessively flashy, but there are valid reasons for this sudden swap from single-use bottles to an entirely refillable spectrum. Aluminium is infinitely recyclable, and recycled aluminium leaves a lower carbon footprint than primary aluminium production. Moreover, it is a lighter, corrosion-resistant, non-ferrous metal and thus can be used in storing liquid for a longer period of time.
Bravo Sierra wishes to keep the feel of a canned beer while serving these body wash bottles, and that is why we have been introduced to such a specimen. In fact, canned beers were not popularised before the 1930s, and until then, it was synonymous with the military.
The company cherishes a deep relationship with the military as the first products from the company were displayed at an online store, Exchange, where vets and active duty service members could avail items at a discounted price. Bravo Sierra served the community for two years before turning toward the common mass through commercial stores like Target or online marketplaces.
Bravo Sierra offers 10 per cent off to eligible customers for these reusable body wash bottles. The company has a programme where queries or concerns from a customer are taken very seriously, even to the point where Sierra might make essential changes to their usual discourse or introduce products suggested by a consumer.
The feedback software lets users talk about the looks, density and performance of the company's body care products like Deo or body wash. One thing behind the scheme is definite; only military personnel can sign in with their credentials. This also means each military man owns these Bravo Sierra products, and any change or upgradation has been a contribution from their side.
The founders of Bravo Sierra were former L'Oréal employees, and they have a keen interest in making their products shine well among the competition. Plus, the customer-oriented brand has unique ways of showcasing its products that might appeal to the crowd.
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